Thursday, July 2, 2009

What to expect from your reseller or distributor

Our apologies--this blog has become a list of expectations and it doesn't read in an entertaining way. On the other hand, if customers and sellers had a social contract, we wouldn't need to write this.

Finding a good reseller or distributor can be a rocky experience. Here are a few of our thoughts about some key traits of a good reseller.

First off, a reseller is NOT a distributor. A distributor is a reseller. Confused yet? Usually distributors sell to resellers, but the biggest difference between the two is that the distributor should have equipment on the shelf. We aren't saying they'll have every gadget that they are selling, but they most likely will have a warehouse or two.

Distributors are the middle men between the manufacturer who doesn't have time to fiddle around with sales channels and the reseller who is in the trenches, working with customers.

Resellers call upon their distributors when they need clarification about specs, configurations, etc. Distributors have the answers or know who to talk to at the manufacturer.

A good reseller knows what their products do and the areas where they shine. They may not know how a products works in a specific circumstance. They'll be able to give you references for where this product has worked.

A good reseller or distributor will not charge you shipping if you place a big order unless it is an item that has very little margin. Some tech equipment is a commodity and there might be only $3 or $4 made on a per item sale. You'll have to buy a pallet of monitors to get shipping waived. Don't hold your breath even then!

A reseller should help a customer avoid ordering the wrong thing. This is part of being a VAR (value added retailer). If the reseller makes the mistake, the reseller should eat it.

Distributors who don't have parts in stock should not charge their customers higher shipping for the product.

A reseller who will get you parts after 5pm on Friday is gold. Treat them well and send them M&Ms! (we like the plain ones!).

We'd like to hear your thoughts, let us know what your expectations are!

--the crew at

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